Neesa Gopaul’s alleged murderers formally committed to trial

Murder accused Bibi Shareema Gopaul and Jarvis Barry Small were both formally committed to stand trial at the High Court for the murder of Gopaul’s teenage daughter, by acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on Friday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

Jarvis Barry Small being escorted out of court after being committed to stand trial
Bibi Shareema Gopaul outside the court

The two accused were jointly charged on October 8, 2010 for the murder of Neesa Lalita Gopaul. The indictable charge stated that between September 24 and October 2, 2010 at Madewini, Soesdyke/ Linden Highway, they murdered the 16-year-old teenager. On Thursday, Magistrate Sewnarine-Beharry moved to commit the couple to trial after a lengthy Preliminary Inquiry, saying a prima facie case was made out against them for the offence of murder but the ruling was not completed after Gopaul’s defence attorney Vic Puran said Small should not be committed.
He declared that while a prima facie case was made out against both accused, there is only sufficient evidence against his client, and requested an adjournment to Friday, when Small’s attorney, Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos, who was absent, would be present to advise him. On Friday, the senior counsel showed up and told the court that now that he has advised his client, he is requesting that his client be given the opportunity to make an unsworn statement.
When the magistrate granted the request, Small said: “Your Worship in regards to the dumbbells, I don’t know anything about them. I used to live by the number two (Bibi Shareema Gopaul); I did exercise there with weights; however, when I moved back with my wife and family, I took nothing with me. Your Worship, statements made by Neesa Gopaul was made at the time when me and number two had a court case at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Courts and was out of pure animosity. There was no truth in me having sexual relationship with Neesa Gopaul. Concerning what police said, Your Worship, I told them that I didn’t murder Neesa Gopaul. I also told them in a confrontation that the dumbbells do not belong to me. Your Worship, I still maintain my position, I did not murder Neesa Gopaul.”
The dumbbells in question (suspected to be Small’s) were found weighing down the suitcase in which Nessa Gopaul’s body was discovered.
The defence counsel then stated that he had no witnesses to call at the magistrate’s court at this stage. Small then signed the statement he provided. The chief magistrate then told the duo, who were asked to stand in the dock, that based on the evidence, she was committing them to stand trial at the High Court in the next sitting of the Demerara Assizes in October.

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